Non-wetting refractory castable

Non-wetting aluminum castable is made by adding the composite ultra-fine powder to the castable, so as to reduce the porosity to less than 10% and prevent the adhesion and penetration of molten aluminum liquid.

Состав: Al2O3=80% Огнеупорность: 1750℃

Bulk Density: 2.8 g/cm3

Max working temp.: 1550℃

Compressive Strength: 95Mpa

Обзор продукта

Non-wetting aluminum castable is made by adding the composite ultra-fine powder to the castable, so as to reduce the porosity to less than 10% and prevent the adhesion and penetration of molten aluminum liquid.


In the aluminum smelting process, The castable is no-wetted in the molten aluminum, no slag, and no aluminum ash, which greatly reduces the reaction of aluminum liquid and refractory materials, and improve the quality of aluminum alloy.


Type high alumina
Material Non-stick aluminum refractory castable
Max working temp.(℃) 1550
Bulk density after drying at 110℃, g/cm3 2.80
Chemical analysis, % Al2O3≥ 80
SiO2≤ CaO 2%
Cold bending strength (Mpa) 110℃*24H 10
1400℃*3H 12
Cold crushing strength
110℃*24H 95
1400℃*3H 90
Linear change after heating, % 800℃*3H
1400℃*3H -0.3
Water Addition As per supplier formula
Construction method Vibration
Application Lower furnace wall and bottom of melting aluminum furnace


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